Turn Online Friends into Customers

Social media marketing is big, and it’s getting bigger. However, just because you send out 100 friend requests per day and these individuals courteously accept doesn’t mean that they will be viewing your site on a daily basis or sharing your news with their other friends. Aside from building a killer layout and creating regular updates, companies can follow these steps in order to not only keep their Facebook friends coming back for more, but also encourage them to come in to their office or store locations and buy their products or services.
• Providing regular incentives for your Facebook friends can make your friends feel like they are part of an exclusive group. Limited-time offers may be best since they can promote regular check-ins from your fans who are most likely to become customers.
• Make the most of your friends’ comments by turning them into testimonials for your products or services. Asking these individuals how they enjoyed doing business with you can lead to promotional blurbs that can then be posted on your company’s website or YouTube channel. A perfect opportunity to do this is in the aftermath of a recent event. For example, if your local area experienced floods, create some buzz about the importance of your agency’s Florida flood insurance by highlighting quotes from your current customers who had to file claims.

• If you advertise an event on Facebook, send “sorry we missed you” messages to your friends who didn’t attend. This shows that you value their interest in your business. Also, don’t forget to post photos and video from the gathering!

Simply creating public awareness of your business with social media can pay off significantly, especially if your company is located in a small community. If you insurance agency’s posts are constantly popping up in people’s news feeds, guess who they’re going to call when they need FL flood insurance during this year’s hurricane season?

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