Peace and Well Function with the Guidance of ilchi lee

With the pace of the modern society has been too fast for most of people in these last years, alternatives for the reliable body-mind integration had been a hot topic. For those who seek for better and peaceful life, it is worth to pay attention to the teachings of ilchi lee.

Born in Korea and had been searching endlessly for the ways for living the life better, ilchi lee had decided to spread his calls and experiences for broader public. There are non-profit organizations, corporations and educational institutions that had incorporated his philosophy about the brain. His highly accepted thinking covers, among others, yoga technique named Dahn Yoga. This is actually the result of a long study about life energy, or Ki or Chi, and based in the training program from ancient Korea that seeks to integrate the body and the mind. Mastering this integration means a yogi will be able to regain the mastership of his or her life.

These useful teachings are now also available in the form of books as well as general reader in the website. In his website, ilchi lee offer broad explanations on some curious topics such as Brain Wave Vibration and Brain Respiration.

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