Acne Causes and Non-Causes

So you want to prevent acne, or if you have it, figure out why. There are several causes of acne that effect people of ages up to 40. There are also several myths about acne that perpetuate society.

Factors that Don’t Cause Acne

* Food – you might have heard or been told to avoid junk food if you want to avoid acne. While these foods might hurt your overall health, they don’t contribute to your acne problems. Some recent studies have shown that milk and dairy products aggravate acne, however.
* Dirt – Acne blackheads are caused by oxidized oil, which isn’t present in dirt. Sweat also isn’t a cause of acne, so the feeling that you must rush to the shower after a workout isn’t a real one.

So you want to prevent acne, or if you have it, figure out why. There are several causes of acne that effect people of ages up to 40. There are also several myths about acne that perpetuate society.

Factors that Don’t Cause Acne

* Food – you might have heard or been told to avoid junk food if you want to avoid acne. While these foods might hurt your overall health, they don’t contribute to your acne problems. Some recent studies have shown that milk and dairy products aggravate acne, however.
* Dirt – Acne blackheads are caused by oxidized oil, which isn’t present in dirt. Sweat also isn’t a cause of acne, so the feeling that you must rush to the shower after a workout isn’t a real one.
* Stress – Stress might cause high blood pressure and bad health, but it does not cause acne. Unless, of course, the stress of your acne causes you to pick at them.
* Cosmetics – Most cosmetic products don’t clog pores. However, to stay on the safe side, it is advisable to look for oil free or water based products.
* Heredity – Besides very severe acne, very few people inherit traits that cause acne. The reality is that almost everyone has had acne at some stage in their life.

Factors that Do Cause Acne

* Pressure – If you wear things that crowd or press on you face like chinstraps, helmets or collars, you can aggravate the skin and cause or grow acne.
* Occuptations – Some jobs may cause exposure to products, like cutting oils, that are a leading source of breakouts.
* Drugs – Many drugs may worsen or cause acne, such as steroids, iodides, and bromides. Lithium, which is used to treat bipolar disorder, is also known to cause acne.

Most of your fears aren’t reality. A lot of the time, acne is just something that happens. Keeping your face clean and avoiding rubbing your face or taking unnecessary drugs will go a long way to preventing skin problems.

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